After a few weeks of pre-election ugliness, I experienced something really cool in my community. On Friday the JROTC at my daughters high school was having an event to honor veterans. The unit commander talked to me on Thursday to invite me to it. I went to work on Friday morning and my boss essentially kicked me out so that I could attend it. (Thanks Joe) I showed up a little after 8 and had coffee and donuts with some fellow vets. We chit chatted and told some war stories. A few fellow Sailors, an Airmman, and a Leatherneck joined a decent contingent from the Army, who was represented by Vets from WW2 up through recent kids who were in the JROTC program at the school before boot.
After a little while, they marched us to the auditorium. There was going to be a Q&A with the students. We walked in to the room and promptly received a standing ovation from hundreds of young men and women. I have to admit, I got goosebumps. The kids asked some thoughtful and sometimes funny questions. Afterwards we all hung around and got some photos with our kids. I have to admit, I enjoyed giving a glimpse of my brotherhood to my daughter.
I read a quote once that said " A Veteran Is Someone Who, at one point, wrote a blank check made payable to ‘The United States of America’ for an amount of ‘up to and including their life.’ That is Honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it."
These kids certainly understand. And on this Veterans Day, I'd like to thank the young men and women who showed a handful of grizzled old vets that they really were appreciated.
As a side note, it appears like the gear has been assembled to start doing some libertarian podcasts with That Libertarian Guy. I'll post them here once we get rolling. In addition, I've been refining some gear to do some better Youtube videos. I'll post those here as well. And don't worry, next week, I'll be back to my customary, angry cursing self.
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Thanks for sharing.